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We make noise. We design sound.
We write classics and record bangers.
We lift up brands. We lay down beats.
We record emotion and deliver perfection.
We hear different.
Helping you stand out since 2022

Eli Sundermann is the Head honcho of We Hear Different, Voice over coach and sound engineer extraordinaire. Martijn Ravesloot is an ex-drummer, ex-Radio2 engineer, synthesizer enthousiast and sound designer. Mathieu Van Den Driessche is a Pro Tools whizkid, rock solid on set and smooth as butter in post.

Custom Music and Live Recordings

If sound is our passion, music is the love of our life. With two composers and an arranger in the We Hear Different team, and a fully equipped live studio in Antwerp, we have the talent and the infrastructure to serve all your musical needs and make custom music that will take your project to the next level.

From On Set Recordings to 5.1 Mixes

We are equipped to handle your audio project from A to Z. Recording everything on set, editing dialog, adding sound design and mixing it all to an amazing sounding end product. If it makes noise, we can handle it.

Voice Overs & Sonic Branding

With years of experience in advertising, we know what makes brands sound great. And it is with this knowledge, we have specialised in Voice Overs and Sonic Branding. Finding the perfect tone of voice to convey the message, translate your values into its own sonic universe, and adding the right elements, be it jingles or sound design, to bring it all home.

Chez Freddy
HQ Studio 1
Chez Freddy
Taman Studio
Taman Studio
HQ Studio 1